Accurate Quotes in seconds

Rule based high impact quotes based on quantity, promotions, location in seconds.

Drive quicker conversions through quick but accurate quotes.

Uniform branding.

The Branding & templates should be common across the teams to create a great impression

Uniform Pricing

Uniform price arrived for all thesales agent.

Rule Based Quotes

Multiple schemes & Business rules setup from the UI.

Drag & Drop Workflow

Connects the rule engines, data sources, Approvals & the dashboards.

Deal making

Monthly Budgets to enable sales teams to complete the deal.

Intuitive Dashboard

Central view of all the deals in progress & the stage they are at.

Quotes need to be fast. We make it real time.

Configure rules for real time quotations from your website.The faster you quote the more deals you make.

Simplify the Quotation making complexity.

Multiple Promotions, discounts, bundle offers computed & published on a pre configured Word/PPT template.

What our users say after using Chat.hi

This product is absolutely fantastic
This product is absolutely fantastic

Great platform for learning online
Great platform for learning online

It's intuitive and very easy to use!
It's intuitive and very easy to use!

Great platform for learning online
Great platform for learning online

Great platform for learning online
Great platform for learning online

It's intuitive and very easy to use!
It's intuitive and very easy to use!

Great platform for learning online
Great platform for learning online

This product is absolutely fantastic
This product is absolutely fantastic

It's intuitive and very easy to use!
It's intuitive and very easy to use!

Great platform for learning online
Great platform for learning online

This product is absolutely fantastic
This product is absolutely fantastic

Great platform for learning online
Great platform for learning online

Discover the most common questions

Did’t find your answer?

1. Can I give online quotes from my website?

Yes, this is a great way to generate a qualified lead.

2. Can I integrate the system with my CRM?

Yes, standard connectors to popular CRM's like SFDC are provided.

It’s easy to get started

Obligations of business will frequently occur that pleasures

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