Create your own smart docs with Bizlem AI

Increase your website conversations with social proof

Read the Persona behind the email & convert leads faster.


Shape Design
dot shape
dot shape
round shape line
iPhone Mockup

Career levels, employers, Education will help in identifying the lead relevance.

Social profile & networks help you understand the persona in detail & draw inferences from social media.

The Rule based automation & word based templates ensures zero defects.

Reasons why you should explore our Solution

Audio App UI
Shape Design
Audio App UI
Audio App UI


The Rules select the right clauses, templates, images, QR Code & apply all the formulae to ensure a perfect document at the click of a button.

trained Library

Code-Less Setup

The setup of a new project is done in minutes by the Business users as there is no code involved.

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Shape Design
Shape Design
Audio App UI
Audio App UI
Shape Design
Audio Player UX


Our built in integrations with the popular ERP & CRM systems  ensures end to end seamless automation.

Automated workflow

Teams are notified to revise as per workflow.

Multiple Passes

Revision workflows will continue till the entire team approves without revisions

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It’s easy to get started

The all in one platform powering design

Why I say old chap that is spiffing off his nut arse pear shaped plastered Jeffrey bodge barney some dodgy chav cockup sloshed up the duff starkers.!!

Obligations of business will frequently occur that pleasures

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echo 'sunnydata';