Experience the future of form filling. Property bookings with Smart forms filled automatically using KYC documents and e-Signed.
Seamlessly automate your booking process with our smart forms, reducing manual effort and saving you valuable time.
Once your customer uploads KYC documents, our auto-smart fill technology populates the form automatically for a hassle-free experience.
Personalise the booking form to each customer, with pre-filled data from the CRM.
Ensure the authenticity of every transaction with legally valid Aadhaar based e-signatures.
Connected seamlessly with your existing CRM for end-to-end automation of Booking process.
Facilitate bookings from anywhere in the world.
Automatic customer details using only KYC documents. Smooth end-to-end process updated in CRM, instantly.
The Aadhaar based OTP e-Signature validated by the Government of India, ensuring all Booking forms are legally valid
Yes, The smartform is dynamic. Only applicable fields are displayed, and Quotation/Consent forms are pulled from the CRM dynamically.
The extraction from documents is 99.9% accurate, however It is seamless for customers to edit the extracted details, such as from PAN, customers can change surname in case of married female and other details which are tracked on a dashboard.
Elevated Customer and Business experience awaits!